Tuesday, December 13, 2011

GFS picking up on the pattern change (SOME) but still lack of good blocking

 The GFS is catching on to a more colder possible stormy pattern to end December. Here in this image I have the GFS for Dec 24th (left) and Dec 26th (right) Now Not sure that this would being snow (if any) to NC east of the Mnts BUT has been showing up run to run.
NAO (seen here>, looks to go a bit Neg but still not a strong blocking signal at all. 
The AO also goes down some which would also help (SOME) this too is not enough to dump too much cold south 
If you scroll through this link here (which is the GFS ensemble members) start at hour 264 and so on, some do show a coastal storm off the SE US coast and some cold air in place (noted by the 540 red line over NC) http://www.meteo.psu.edu/~gadomski/ENSPRS_12z/ensloopmref.html